We felt it was imperative to ask firstly “What is important and by who’s definition?” before proceeding. The Working Group have placed the NDSA Values & Principles (as outlined on ndsa.org.uk) at the centre of their judging, while factoring in parameters such as design intent, aspirations, context, spatial justice and others.
Read MoreThe NDSA Committee have agreed to discontinue the £300 one off cash prize traditionally handed out annually to a student at UoN & NTU each year, replacing it instead with an annual event centred around winning students, chosen from a Values & Principles based selection criteria.
Read MoreThe NDSA held its 2019 summer BBQ in Nottingham on the terrace of Pitcher & Piano. An invitation was issued across the Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire area, as well as subscribers to the website, bringing together a cascade of intra-industry professionals.
Read MoreOn the 2nd of May, the Nottingham Trent Architecture Society, in conjunction with Nottingham Trent University, hosted a guest lecture by noted practice Levitt Bernstein. Delivered by director Jo McCafferty, the talk was divided into two distinct yet overlapping sections; focusing on the overarching subject of housing design.
Read MoreJune 5th is marked as ‘Ethel’s Day’. 58 years after the first Royal Charter and against organised protests from RIBA members, Ethel was eventually admitted as an Associate Member in 1898.
Read MoreLocal photographer & urbanism enthusiast Lamar Francis writes a reflective update for the NDSA following on from his architectural exhibition at the Urban Room.
Read MoreOn May 15th the new committee met for the first time since the AGM. The meeting took place in Derby at One Friar Gate Sq facilitated by the University of Derby. A new programme is being implemented with updates to appear online.
Read MoreAnnual General Meeting held with announcement of new committee and new direction for the Society as a whole.
Read MoreNottingham’s Urban Room, at 38 Carrington Street, is looking for projects to feature on its new website. In particular they are looking for future proposals for the city - so masterplans and visuals are ideal.
Read MoreThe idea of a single building where you live, work and play may seem very much of the moment, driven by advances in communications technology. But mixed-use developments have been around for as long as mankind. Research has revealed that complex cave systems hosted multiple uses hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Romans built large multi-use complexes across their empire. And during medieval times, people used to manufacture, sell and live in the same building.
Read MoreA whole range of recent research shows that we could be happier and healthier if we made an effort to move more and connect with nature, if we could support each other more and if we start caring for our places and our communities. Design can help make it happen with simple solutions that trigger our human instincts in positive ways. Here are seven simple rules to help us create healthier, happier neighbourhoods.
Read MoreWorldwide population growth and mass migrations are putting the infrastructure of many cities under strain. With city governments under pressure to provide more housing and work spaces, people can end up living and working in poorly designed or low quality buildings.
Read MoreI had a fascinating opportunity to experience higher education in the UK as an overseas student but there are some endemic pitfalls in the system that need an urgent review. Here are my views as a former M.Arch student.
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