National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The new National Planning Policy Framework was published by the government just before the 2024 Christmas break
The end of 2024 saw the publication of the much-anticipated latest version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) by the government. This revised framework introduces significant changes to national policy, focusing on improving housing delivery, protecting the environment, and ensuring sustainable development.
The headlines suggest radical change. This revision isn’t radical but does provide a welcome shift in emphasis on delivery and the need to strive toward meeting the governments target of 1.5m homes with a sprinkling of new policy, particularly around the Green Belt.
What are the key changes to the 2024 NPPF?
1. Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
This has only been subject to slightly amended wording but this should impact on the determination of applications. The previously “clear reason for refusal” test is now a “strong” reason for refusal. The tilted balance is still disengaged where the adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of doing so, assessed against the NPPF as a whole. However, the new text requires decision-makers to pay “particular regard” to a closed list of “key policies for directing development to sustainable locations, making effective use of land, securing well-designed places and providing affordable homes, individually or in combination”.
2. Delivering a sufficient supply of homes
The new NPPF reinstates mandatory housing targets for local authorities, aiming to deliver 1.5 million new homes over the next five years. This is bold and would be unprecedented. There is a revised formula and amounts to the need to deliver planning approvals for 370,000 dwellings every year. Some urban areas will see their housing requirement relaxed with the removal of the urban uplift requirement.
Most non-urban authorities will face increased housing needs. Where an application is submitted in an authority without an up-to-date Local Plan in place (within the last 5-years) and that cannot demonstrate a housing land supply it will be subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Meaning a return to speculative housing sites being approved.
3. Green Belt
This is perhaps the most radical change- Green Belt protection remains very high, limiting release for development to exceptional circumstances but it now explicitly states that meeting housing and other development needs can justify amending Green Belt boundaries, which essentially is the inverse of the last iteration of the NPPF. The term Grey Belt has been introduced by the NPPF, and seeks to differentiate land which forms Green Belt, such land is either brownfield land, or land which does not strongly contribute to preventing the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas, prevent neighbouring towns merging and preserving the setting and special character of historic towns. Such land should be used ahead of non-Grey Belt, Green Belt. These changes will allow many more applications and appeals on Green Belt land, where there is a clear need for the development proposed. It also introduces Golden Rules for developing land in the Green Belt which, if met, means housing development can be considered appropriate in the Green Belt.
4. Energy
The NPPF gives ‘significant weight’ to renewable and low-carbon energy developments, supporting the government’s goal of a net-zero future. It provides further support for renewables and consolidates the removal of footnote 57 and 58, which amended earlier in the year and effectively banned onshore wind developments. This change presents new opportunities for onshore wind turbine projects, particularly smaller developments.
5. Design
The requirement for developments to be beautiful has been dropped but there remains a strong emphasis on high quality design.
6. Local Plan Intervention
The updated framework introduces stricter criteria for local plan interventions, ensuring local authorities meet their planning obligations and housing targets. Meaning the Government can intervene where housing delivery is falling behind.
A new year promises the usual mixture of uncertainty and opportunity. With the introduction of the new National Planning Policy Framework our expert planners are on hand to outline the changes, challenges and opportunities for developers, architects, home and landowners. Contact us on 01332 347371 or email for more information or to book an in-person consultation.
Michael Bamford, Director, Chartered Town Planner, Planning & Design Practice Ltd