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Follow Up: NDSA Round Table on Planning White Paper

The NDSA recently hosted a live Round Table Discussion with an expert panel of consultants, architects, planners, planning committee officers and other built environment stakeholders and professionals. Chaired by Hon/ Secretary Paul MacMahon, this was a first of it's kind for the NDSA in terms of format but also in the comprehensiveness and complexity of the issues raised. 

We are very fortunate to have had the time of those who participated. Both the effectiveness of the format and the power of debate is evidenced in the results of our opening and closing poll, which asked attendees of their views on the White Paper. 

Included within the guest panel in running order were:

  • Philip Waddy, Chair of RIBA National Planning Group and Managing Director of WWA Studios

  • Laura Alvarez, East Midlands Convenor for the Urban Design Group and Senior Principal Urban Design and Conservation Officer at Nottingham City Council

  • Jonathan Jenkin, Managing Director of Planning Design Ltd

  • Linda Woodings, Basford Ward Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing and Heritage 

  • Jamie King, Founder and Director of Nottinghamshire based practice KOR Architects

  • Pavlos Kotsonis, Planning Committee member and Nottingham City Councillor 

  • David Birkbeck, Design for Homes director and co-author of Building for Life 

It was our hope that the NDSA, as a group working together within the architecture profession and as representatives of the two counties RIBA membership, that we could provide a platform for healthy debate and discussion and ultimately for us all to come away with an improved understanding of the key areas contained within the White Paper. What the proposals mean for us as industry professionals but also the broader implications were something we had hoped to be highlighted throughout the event.

The evening began by handing each guest speaker the floor to lay out in succession their own understanding of the White paper and possible implications, drawing from their respective areas of experience and expertise. From this we were able to pull together a very rounded view, one which was otherwise inaccessible to us. 

The Panelists were previously asked to draw our audiences towards specific areas of attention, concern or intrigue. From this, we successfully learned much about the content and nature of the 80 page document issued by the government in Autumn of 2020.

Following the round of presentations we moved into open dialogue amongst the panelists themselves, who had the opportunity to expand upon key points and the overlapping topics to emerge from the run of presentations. The panelists also had the opportunity to present a counter argument to some of the positions adopted on the White Paper by their fellow speakers. 

The event featured a live Q&A where those in attendance were able to pose questions directly to the panelists. Permitting our membership the opportunity to engage directly in the debate is a feature in all our live events, which on this occasion was moderated by NDSA Committee Officer Sara Saadouni. 

We opened and concluded the event with a poll, asking attendees if they were generally for, against or undecided on the overall content of the White Paper. The results read as follows:

NDSA-Round Table-Poll Results.jpg

At the subsequent Committee meeting and upon some reflection, the NDSA felt the event showed the complexity of the subjects covered raised questions over how RIBA members are generally informed but also represented at a National level. Some work is now under way by the NDSA to examine how this arrangement can be improved upon.

The event was recorded and will be available for free to all on the NDSA website and YouTube channel.

Paul MacMahon
Hon. Secretary NDSA

Paul MacMahon